

由澳門大學校友會, 澳門大學學生事務處, 澳門大學校友事務辦公室, 澳門大學學生會內地生會, 澳門大學學生會音樂學會合辦之慈善音樂會於本月16日晚上8時在澳門大學文化中心舉行, 澳大副校長何順文教授, 教青局陳旭偉處長, 高教辦鄧美珍職務主管, 澳大教務長彭執中, 澳大附校盧蘭馨校長, 學生事務處周桂慈職務主管, 校友辦李鳳霏職務主管, 工聯副理事長馮家輝, 理工學生會音樂學會理事長羅凱瑩, 公務人員文化協會理事長王藝聲, 公務人員青年文化體育協會理事長許橋興, 旅遊學院校友會會員大會主席郭自力, 理事長William Wong, 澳門大學( 廣東 )校友會理事長劉淑勤, 副理事長龍凱樺, 學聯副理事長譚慧華, 澳大學生會理事長高雪芝, 理工校友會李振宜, 澳大校友會會員大會主席區秉光, 監事長黃小美及理事長葛萬金及近500位觀察出席, 場面熱鬧.

表演項目非常精彩, 有澳門公務員合唱團, 澳大合唱團, 澳大附校中樂及管樂團, 澳大武術學會, 本地歌手羅凱瑩及澳大多位學生參與演出, 節目獲現場觀眾一致好評.

活動由籌備至演出歷時個多月, 其中校友會副理事長吳焯峯及籌委主任陳佳蓉全身投入工作, 令活動完滿成功, 值得向大家表揚. 活動籌得之善款將於7月 <澳大校友會四川慈善行>活動中送予當地有關部門作為災後重建工作, 希望屆時得到校友的支持及參與.

The Charity Concert organized by AAAUM, UMSU and various student associations and UM departments was held on 16 May evening.

Many guests and around 500 audience attended and enjoyed the show. The donation was called in the middle of the show and many of the audience shown their generosity in donation.

The boxes were opened under the supervision of Mr Henry Cheong and Ms. Goretti Chan from SAS, Ms. Carrie Lei from ALO and Mr Nelson Kot, President of AAAUM. MOP18,538.80 HKD3,914.00, RMB1,044.30 were received from donation. Together with the amount of MOP10,200.00 received through the Charity Bowling Competition, the AAAUM representatives will deliver all donated funds to China in July in person
