
一、集合時間: 2016年12月11日(星期日)上午十一時正,地點 : 澳門文化中心 (正門) (按此查看位置圖)
如有垂詢,請與郭小姐(Jane)或張先生(Daniel)聯絡(電話:8822-4903/ 8822-4384)。
校友及發展辦公室 謹啓
Dear Alumni,
The largest annual charity event, “Walk for a Million 2016″ is organized by the Macao Daily News Readers Charity Fund on 11 December 2016. This activity has become one of the major community activities in Macao. To support this, you and your family and friends are cordially invited to join us to walk for charity. Below are event details:
1. Assembly Time and Venue:11 December 2016 (Sunday) at 11 a.m., Macau Cultural Centre (at the main entrance)(click here)
2. Donation: There is no upper or lower limit on the amount of donation.
3. Registration Method:Please fill in the donation registration formand submit it together with your donation before12pm on 28 November (Monday)to the Alumni and Development Office (N6-2021).

For enquiries, please contact Ms. Jane Kuok or Mr. Daniel Cheong at 8822-4903/ 8822-4384.

Thank you for your attention!

Best regards,
Alumni and Development Office