

由本會與澳門工商管理研究生協會合辦之上述活動日前在澳大圖書館第2演講廳進行, 主講嘉賓包括工程師學會梁文耀會長, 大西洋銀行Mr Nuno Fiqueiredo, 友邦保險梁志朋區域經理等, 場面熱鬧. 各行業代表在會上解釋了現時澳門人力資源的實況, 並對現場參與者講授求職技巧及應注意事項等, 內容豐富.

此外, 合辦單位亦邀請了本澳多間企業派出代表為現場參加者提供入職資訊和接受申請, 活動歷時3個多小時後結束.

The career talk co-ogranized by The Macau MBA Association and The University of Macau Alumni Association on 14/06/2009 in the University Library Auditorium II was completed successfully.

The guests were invited from 3 different companies to speak in the talk. Many alumni and potential graduates joined us despite of the bad weather. After the talk, audiences visited different booths set up by 5 companies and some of them filled in application on spot.